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M. Antonellini et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2013) 1e16   9
          Table 2
          P 32 values obtained including the P 10 from Table 1 in the equations of the linear intercepts shown in Figure 6.
                     Well 1        Well2          Well 3        Well 4         Well 5        Well 6        Mean
           CSB       0.06804        0.012892       0.616169      0.11611       0.056843      0.05934       0.154899
           ZB        0.298714       0.00466        0.054789      0.126065      0.113676      0.117188      0.142086
           DF        0.415522       0.102995       0.09995       0.02302       0.073632      0.375007      0.241789

          The map consists of a series of objects such as polylines and poly-  3.7. Fluid flow numerical experiment
          gons representing the different zones present within single struc-
          tures. The permeability tensor of these objects (measured in the  The fluid flow numerical experiments have been done using
          field in zones I, II and III see Section 3.2) and up-scaled with the  MODFLOW 2005 (Harbaugh, 2005), which is a widely used modular
          methodology explained in Section 3.4 has been transformed in a  single-phase ground water flow simulator.
          hydraulic conductivity tensor (K) for compliance with the re-  In order to evaluate the effects of the SSRF made up by CSB, ZB
          quirements of MODFLOW 2005 (Harbaugh, 2005). The hydraulic  and DF on fluid flow, we have run some simple single-phase steady-
          conductivity K (three components) of the polylines and polygons
          has been rotated using Eqs. (6) and (10) from the local reference
          system (faults) to the geographic reference system of the model.
          The map with its attributes has been saved as a shape file in
            The shape file has been loaded into ModelMuse (Winston, 2009)
          (Fig. 9a). ModelMuse is a graphical user interface (GUI) developed
          at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for programs PHAST
          and MODFLOW 2005 (Harbaugh, 2005; Parkhurst et al., 2010) (see
          Section 3.7). The advantage of loading the shape file with its at-
          tributes directly into ModelMuse is that the hydraulic conductivity
          (K) in the components x, y and z of the different polygons and
          polylines representing compactive shear bands, zones of compac-
          tive shear bands and fault discontinuities is automatically loaded as
          datasets of the hydraulic properties without the need of manually
          inserting the K values for each object.
            The detailed geologic, structural, and permeability information
          obtained from the measurements and field maps (Fig. 3) is used in
          the reservoir/aquifer model by means of up-scaled hydraulic con-
          ductivity distribution maps. Figure 10a shows the conductivity
          distribution map of the deterministic model whereas Figure 10b
          shows the same map for the DFN one.

          Figure 7. DFN model of the S. Vito lo Capo map in Fig. 3a. Left-lateral CSB (lime green);
          right-lateral CSB (red); left-lateral ZB (blue); right-lateral ZB (dark green); left-lateral
          DF (brown); right-lateral DF (yellow). (For interpretation of the references to color in
          this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

          Table 3
          Attributes associated to the different structures.
           Structure           Attribute name    Attribute value
           Left-lateral CSB    CSB                 1
           Right-lateral CSB   CSB                 2
                                                               Figure 8. Geo-cellular volume showing only the cells intercepted by one or more
           Left-lateral ZB     ZB                 10           structures. (a) CSB; (b) ZB; and (c) DF. The color legend represents the kinematics of the
           Right-lateral ZB    ZB                 20
                                                               structures intercepted. Where intermediate colors are shown the cells are intercepted
           Left-lateral DF     DF                100
                                                               by more than one structure of the same type. (For interpretation of the references to
           Right-lateral DF    DF                200
                                                               color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
          Please cite this article in press as: Antonellini, M., et al., Fluid flow numerical experiments of faulted porous carbonates, Northwest Sicily (Italy),
          Marine and Petroleum Geology (2013),
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