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12                              M. Antonellini et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2013) 1e16

        Figure 12. Single well steady-state draw-down numerical experiments with MODFLOW 2005 on a model with constant head (20 m) on the boundaries. (a) Draw-down shownby
        the equipotential lines around a single producer well ( 20 m /day) in homogenous grainstone. (b) Single producer well draw-down in the model of San Vito Lo Capo containing the
        strike-slip faults. Note the refraction of the equipotential lines at the fault lines. (c) Single producer well draw-down where the well is located in a ZB. Note the strong reduction in
        area of the cone with respect to (a) and (b). (d) Same situation as in (c) but showing the K x hydraulic conductivities (legend in Fig. 9b). (e) Single producer well draw-down where
        the well is located at a fault junction (DF and ZB). (f) Single producer well draw-down where the well is located in a compartment in between zones of compactive shear bands (ZB).
        with the exception for the draw-down of the wells located within  computed from the deterministic model decreases to 79% and the
        the structures (see comparison in Table 6 and Fig. 14). The average  K y to 93% of the K in the un-deformed matrix. The K x computed
        draw-down from a shear structure in a DFN model is more than 50%  from the DFN model decreases to 90% and the K y to 89% of the K in
        less than in a deterministic model (Table 6). The structures (and  the un-deformed matrix. The K z is basically unaffected by the SSRF
        specifically the ZB and DF) in the DFN model (Fig. 14) tend to be  in both models at this scale, because the faults are vertical. It is
        thinner than in the deterministic model (Fig. 9). This is due to the  also interesting to note that the up-scaled hydraulic conductivities
        inability of the DFN model to mimic the phenomenon of strain  obtained from the deterministic and the DFN models are similar;
        localization causing the development of ZB.          they differ at most by 15%. In this situation, when up-scaling to a
                                                             large cell size for fluid flow simulation, the use of a DFN-derived
        4.3. Up-scaling                                      up-scaled hydraulic conductivity is as good as the deterministic
                                                             analogue-derived hydraulic conductivity. At this scale, however,
          Table 7 shows the results of up-scaling the hydraulic conduc-  the effect of the SSRF is almost negligible and this is in accordance
        tivity to a cell size including the whole outcrop (45   32   1 m);  with what reported in the literature. Walsh et al. (1998) examined
        this has been done by using the program MODPATH (Pollock,  the effects of SSRF on the bulk permeabilities of reservoir se-
        1994) and a lagrangian approach based on tracking fluid particle  quences at a 3 km   3 km scale and concluded that the signif-
        velocities and inverting for hydraulic conductivities under a uni-  icance of these structures on fluid flow is strongly dependent on
        form gradient in the x, y, and z directions both in the deterministic  the fault transmissivities that need to be very low to significantly
        and DFN models. It is interesting to note that the effect of the SSRF  affect the hydraulic properties of the reservoir. These conclusions,
                                                             in view of our experiments, seem to apply to large-scale fluid flow
        on K x and K y within this large block is small (Table 7). The K x
        Please cite this article in press as: Antonellini, M., et al., Fluid flow numerical experiments of faulted porous carbonates, Northwest Sicily (Italy),
        Marine and Petroleum Geology (2013),
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