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M. Antonellini et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2013) 1e16  11
          (Fig. 11aeb and 12), in the second class of experiments the flow  4. Results and discussion
          field and the draw-down resulting from a pair of injector-producer
          wells has been examined (Fig.13). This latter is a representation of a  4.1. Permeability
          typical Enhanced Oil Recovery technique. The boundary conditions
          are fixed at a constant head along the borders of the model (head  The air permeability values obtained with the field per-
          equal to 10 m) and steady injection (Q ¼ 10 m /d) and production  meameter for the outcrop of San Vito Lo Capo at the positions
          (Q ¼ 20 m /d) rates are imposed at the wells within the model  shown in Figure 3a and b are summarized in Figure 4. The
          (Figs.12 and 13). The thickness of the layer containing the faults has  permeability difference between the host rock and the zones IeII,
          been set to 1 m and two impermeable layers have been imposed at  and III associated to the single structures is in the order of 3e4
          the top and at the bottom of the model to simulate a confined  orders of magnitude. The 33 air permeability measurements made
          reservoir/aquifer. The locations of the wells used in the different  in the host rock range from 0.18 to 87.9 Darcy with a 2.67 Darcy
          numerical experiments are shown in Figures 9a and 14a. In all  harmonic mean. The 12 air permeability measurements made in
          classes of experiments a reference state (Figs. 11a, 12a and 13a) is  zone III of the faults (in a direction normal to the fault plane) range
          given in which no structures are present and the draw-down occurs  from 0.033 to 0.803 Darcy with a 0.1 Darcy harmonic mean. In the
          in an homogenous porous medium with the hydraulic character-  same zone, the air permeability measurements carried out parallel
          istics of the un-deformed carbonate rock (K matrix). In single well  to the fault plane range from 0.053 to 0.104 Darcy with a
          draw-down and in the injector-producer pair experiments all  0.087 Darcy harmonic mean (0.225 Darcy arithmetic mean). The 11
          boundary conditions are the same and only the well position is  parallel to the fault plane air permeability measurements of zones
          varied within the model.                             IeII show values ranging from 0.024 to 1.863 Darcy, with a
                                                               0.091 Darcy harmonic mean (1.07 Darcy arithmetic mean). The
                                                               hydraulic conductivity difference drops down to 1e2 orders of
                                                               magnitude (Fig. 10) after up-scaling to a cell size of 0.2 m. The
                                                               reduction in permeability measured from the host rock to the CSB
                                                               and ZB is less pronounced (one order of magnitude) than what
                                                               measured in deformation bands within porous carbonate by Rath
                                                               et al. (2011) or in siliciclastic rocks (Antonellini and Aydin, 1994,
                                                               1995; Fossen and Bale, 2007).

                                                               4.2. Numerical experiments

                                                                  A summary for the single-phase steady-state numerical exper-
                                                               iments performed is given in Table 4 for the deterministic model
                                                               and in Table 5 for the DFN model; these tables allow for easy
                                                               comparison of the well draw-downs in the different experimental
                                                               setups. In the deterministic models, the results of the single well
                                                               experiments show that the draw-down varies from 10.66 m (in the
                                                               un-deformed reference state) to 38.43 m (Table 4 and Fig. 12). The
                                                               draw-down in the deformed grainstone with shear structures can
                                                               increase up to a factor of 4 with respect to the un-deformed case;
                                                               furthermore the draw-down cone in the deformed grainstone can
                                                               be rather anisotropic (Figs. 11b and 12c) with respect to the un-
                                                               deformed situation (Figs. 11a and 12a). In the injector-producer
                                                               pair experiment, the draw-down varies from  4.37 (in the un-
                                                               deformed reference state) to  7.18 at the injector (negative sign
                                                               is for a rise in hydraulic head) and from 8.87 (in the un-deformed
                                                               reference state) to 14.4 for the producer well. The variation in
                                                               draw-down is obtained by swapping the position of the producer
                                                               and of the injector (Table 4 and Fig. 13). The largest absolute draw-
                                                               down values (16.02 and 38.43 m) are observed where the well is
                                                               placed within a DF or in a small, shear structures-bounded
                                                               compartment (Table 4 and Fig. 12cef). In the DFN models, the re-
                                                               sults of the single well experiments show that the draw-down
                                                               varies from 10.01 m (in the un-deformed reference state) to
                                                               14.15 m (Table 5 and Fig. 15). In the injector-producer pair experi-
                                                               ment, the draw-down varies from  4.37 (in the un-deformed
                                                               reference state) to  4.92 m at the injector (negative sign is for a
                                                               rise in hydraulic head) and from 9.41 (in the un-deformed reference
                                                               state) to 9.91 m for the producer well (Table 5).
                                                                  In the models with the deterministic description of the reser-
                                                               voir/aquifer (Fig. 12), the draw-down may increase in a compart-
                                                               ment among shear structures 15e20% (Fig. 12e and f) and in a ZB or
                                                               DF up to 400% (Fig. 12c and d) with respect to the reference (un-
          Figure 11. Draw-down (h 0   h) during production of a well (Q is the flow rate in m /
          day). h 0 is initial head (or pressure); h is the head (or pressure) at steady-state con-  deformed host rock; Fig. 12a). In the fluid flow models based on the
          ditions during pumping. (a) Draw-down for a reservoir/aquifer without compactive  stochastic DFN description of the reservoir/aquifer the results are
          shear bands (CSB). (b) Draw-down for a reservoir/aquifer with CSB.  similar to what obtained in the deterministic fluid flow models
          Please cite this article in press as: Antonellini, M., et al., Fluid flow numerical experiments of faulted porous carbonates, Northwest Sicily (Italy),
          Marine and Petroleum Geology (2013),
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