Page 167 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 167

Tuna as Dingpolitik

               In this section I present some of the main concerns and groups that gather around Atlantic

               bluefin with an emphasis on the trade that spans from the Sardinian tonnara to Japan .

               Fig. 4.5 Bluefin tuna (Press 2014).

               Tuna as commodity: traders and ranches

               The  Fuentes  group  is  one  company  that  joined  the  tuna  gold  rush  and  has  since  struck  a

               business deal with the consortium of tonnare. Within this deal the consortium sells to the

               group its entire quota worth of tuna from the tonnare, which has resulted in the introduction

               of sea cages, a pathway to fattening ranches in Malta, and consequentially, a huge reduction

               in local tuna harvest. Sitting in a make shift office at the tonnara, Javier Serigot (employee of

               Fuentes group) describes the story of the company, while intermittently answering calls to

               organise the final tug boat of the season that will transport tuna to Malta. He tells me the

               company began by trading salted fish and then in the 1990s started to sell fresh tuna to local

               and Japanese markets. In the early stages they bought small quantities from purse seines and

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