Page 16 - angeo-21-299-2003
P. 16
314 R. Sorgente et al.: Seasonal variability in the Central Mediterranean Sea circulation
(a) A)
Depth (m.) −50 37.3 37.4 37.6
−150 37.8 37.8
−200 38.1
−300 38.4
−350 38.7
−450 37 37.2 37.4 37.6 37.8
37.3 37.4 North Latitude
36.8 37.4
(b) B) 37.7
−50 38
−100 37.3
−150 37.5
Depth (m.) −250 37.7
−300 38
−400 38.3
−450 38.6
36.8 38.8
37 37.2 37.4 37.6 37.8
North Latitude
Fig. 16. The simulated 10-day averaged vertical section of salinity across the section from 11.1◦ E and 36.85◦ N (Tunisia) to 12.3◦ E and
38.0◦ N (Sicily) in (a) February and (b) August. The contour interval is 0.1 psu.
ern coast of Sardinia. The model replicates the presence of the Tyrrhenian Sea, while the second, less salty, transits the
such a gyre centered at about 11◦ E and 38.5–39◦ N, excit- Strait of Sicily towards the eastern Mediterranean basin (As-
ing an intense recirculation of the MAW, particularly in sum- traldi et al., 1999; Manzella, 1990; Bethoux, 1980). Recently,
mer (Fig. 13). The branching of the MAW flow into two the MAW salinity split at 11◦ E has also been confirmed by
main streams is also well evidenced by the model results. Onken and Sellschopp (2001), using data collected during a
The first follows the northern Sicilian shelf and spreads into survey in the second half of October 1996.